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In most cases, while typing, you might have noticed suggestions for misspelt words and other recommendations on your keypad.
In most cases, while typing, you might have noticed suggestions for misspelt words and other recommendations on your keypad.
Have you ever been in a situation where you knew an answer to a question but were not confident enough to raise your hand and answer it in front of everyone?
Thursday, May 23, 2024—Nairobi, Kenya iHUB Kenya has announced twelve innovative EdTech start-ups joining the second cohort of the Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship. Launched in 2023, the EdTech Fellowship program, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, is an acceleration program that provides industry support, scalability support, and funding to technology-driven education solutions that transform learning …
Announcement Cohort 2 iHUB Kenya 2024 Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship Read More »
Onboarding strategies are essential for any company or organization that wants to keep new clients or users. The actions taken to introduce and …
The dawn of the twenty-first century has brought forth an era of unparalleled advancements and rapid transformations in technology, communication, and globalization. In this fast-paced world, the adequacy of education becomes a critical concern. This article explores the concept of educational adequacy in the context of the twenty-first century, highlighting the essential skills and competencies necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly evolving world.
Education is widely recognized as a fundamental human right and a crucial tool for personal and societal development. However, in many parts of the world, including Africa, women face significant challenges and biases when it comes to accessing quality education. This article aims to shed light on the systemic issues and cultural biases that perpetuate educational inequalities for women in Africa.
In today’s society, success is often seen as the ultimate goal. We are taught from a young age that with hard work, determination, and the right education, we can achieve anything. However, the reality is often far more complex. Despite our best efforts, many individuals find themselves feeling trapped in a cycle of constant struggle and disappointment, leading to the perplexing phenomenon of being “Born to Win, Schooled to Lose.” This article delves into the various factors that contribute to this paradox, exploring the interplay between innate potential, societal expectations, and the education system.
Many Sub-saharan African countries are facing huge challenges in creating relevant education and employment opportunities for.. Many Sub-saharan African countries are facing huge challenges in creating relevant education and employment opportunities for..
The pandemic can be seen as an opportunity to reimagine education in Africa, including safe, healthy and inclusive schools, greater… The pandemic can be seen as an opportunity to reimagine education in Africa, including safe, healthy and inclusive schools, greater…