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Ultratude Tech Ltd/ Mzizi ERP
Founder(s): 2
Founded: 2017
Location: Kenya
Category: Learning Management System
About the company
Mzizi ERP is a comprehensive school management system providing automation for schools’ financial and academic assessments, complemented by a rich repository of digital learning content approved by KICD and accessible by parents, students, and teachers.
Ultratude Tech Ltd stands at the forefront of software innovation, with a dedicated focus on transforming education through an inclusive learning ecosystem that empowers students, engages parents, and transforms communities through its flagship product, Mzizi ERP. Mzizi School ERP aims to address financial transparency and data-driven decision-making while bridging the gap between parents and schools in student learning and the provision of quality education.
Market Opportunity
In Kenya, despite a significant student population of 16 million across 88,000 schools, parental engagement in education is low, with only 40% participating in school activities and 10% engaging in academic learning. This is highly attributed to unreliable communication services and a lack of technology by schools. Mzizi offers schools a robust technology solution to initiate their digitization journey, enabling efficient communication with parents and enhancing engagement in education while providing a holistic platform that integrates with other strategic partners thus providing an inclusive learning ecosystem.
Product Description
Mzizi ERP is a comprehensive school management system designed specifically for the Kenyan educational landscape. It comprises Mzizi Academics, Mzizi Finance, Mzizi Admissions, and Mzizi Communications. Mzizi ERP is accessible across multiple channels which include Mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms, and web platforms. The application is hosted on Microsoft Azure
Business Model
Mzizi ERP operates on a B2B2C business model. The application users include Parents, Students, Teachers, School operation staff as well as school owners. The subscription cost is billed to schools and parents on a termly or annual billing cycle.
The registered shareholders and directors are John Lewis Kariuki Njoroge and Simon Kamau Kiarie with ownership stakes of 30% and 70% respectively.
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